Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hows your email ettiquette ?

Hows Your E-mail Etiquette?
By Rajat Rajwansh
In a fast moving global economy, e-mail offers you the convenience of being able to quickly get your message across to your colleagues or clients at any hour of the day or night. The Internet revolution has had the unintended effect of decreasing the use of oral communication and increasing the importance of text - particularly e-mails - as the primary means of business communication. Employees are no longer writing memos to each other; they are sending e-mails.

But are we taking e-mails as seriously as our other business correspondence? Remember, your correspondence says a lot about you, and E-mail etiquette (also called netiquette) not only makes for effective professional communication, but also helps you build a good professional image within your organisation and with clients.

Mind Your Manners
Be conversant with the fact that there are some people who are very sensitive to being addressed by their first names. When in doubt, use Mr., Ms., Sir, Madam or Dr. (if appropriate). When you are replying to an e-mail and the sender of the original message has used his or her first name only, then you could safely assume its all right to use that persons first name as well.

Next, there are three words in the dictionary that are very important to netiquette. People may not notice these words when theyre there, but if you forget to use them, youll come across looking disrespectful and ungrateful. These very powerful words are Please and Thank You.

Dont Use That Tone With Me
Tone is a difficult thing to explain. Remember when your parents would sayDont use that tone of voice with me, young lady (or young man)? Your feelings come across by the way you say something. It is easy to change your tone when youre speaking. When youre writing its very hard to do so. Whenever you write an e-mail, you should read your message over several times before you hit send. Make sure that you come across as respectful, friendly, and approachable. And dont sound curt or demanding. Sometimes just rearranging your paragraphs will help.

If youre writing to someone youve communicated with before, you might want to begin by saying I hope you are well. E-mail writers often use emoticons to convey a certain tone. For those of you who dont know what these are, emoticons are little faces made up by arranging parentheses, colons, and semi-colons. Use good judgement here. If you are writing to someone frequently and share an informal relationship, then emoticons are okay. If you re writing to a prospective client or your boss, stick to words only. Avoid writing your message using all uppercase letters. It looks like youre shouting.

And Your Point Would Be...?
When possible, dont ramble. Be concise and get to your point as quickly as you can. However, dont leave out necessary details. If providing a lot of background information will help the recipient answer your query, by all means, include it. You may even want to apologize for being so verbose at the beginning of the message.

Plz Dont Abbrvt.
Never ever use U instead of you, 2 instead of to or too, plz instead of please, and thanx instead of thanks. Its fine for personal e-mails. Business e-mails should be more formal. Of course, frequently used abbreviations such as Mr. and Ms., FYI (for your information), inc., and etc. are fine.

Spelling Counts... Grammar Too
Use your spell checker. Thats what its for. Dont rely entirely on the spell checker though. If youre using the wrong spelling for a particular use of a word, i.e. two vs. to vs. too, the spell checker wont pick it up. A minor typographical error in a lengthy e-mail will generally go unnoticed, but a series of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors will indicate a lack of professionalism and has the potential to cost you business or maybe even your job.

Use A Descriptive Subject Line
Always use a subject line in your e-mails. Make sure the subject line is brief, but descriptive. Make an effort to keep your subject line to six or fewer words. The subject line is supposed to be brief and summarize the message, and not become the whole e-mail content. You can summarize the action item of e-mail in the subject line e.g., Tues. meeting canceled.

Keep Check On Numbers
Be conservative about who you send your e-mails to. Only send it to those who are directly affected by the issue in question. Ask yourself, is this information useful to this person? Is this level of detail appropriate for this person, or should I send them a summary when everyones input is gathered and we have come to a conclusion?

Send the e-mail To the person or people that you are asking for an answer or action, and be specific about what you are asking of whom. Send a courtesy copy (cc) to those who need to be aware of the request but are not asked to act upon it or respond to it. Double check that you have properly attached documents to avoid sending a second message.

Check messages frequently - at least three times a day. Immediately respond, delete, forward, or save to a folder as appropriate. The more you leave messages sitting in your Inbox, the bigger the chore to gain control again. It is also easy to lose track of an important action item, or message, if you do not keep it organised.

Just like any other type of written message, be aware that it could be forwarded to others or saved indefinitely. Be prudent in what you decide to write in an e-mail.

Include a signature of no more than four lines. Your signature should provide the recipient with a means to contact you other than e-mail, and should mention your designation, company name etc.

For internal communication, it is not necessary to always produce highly organised and precisely worded e-mails. However, etiquette is not totally abandoned in internal communication, particularly when it comes to professional courtesy.

Make A Good First Impression
Though e-mails are less intrusive than a phone call and faster than a letter, first impressions are as important here as any other business communication tool. An e-mail may be your introduction to someone you never met before like a prospective client or new boss or colleague or even a prospective employer. Take your time putting together a well-written message. Once you hit the send button you wont have another chance.

Rajat Rajwansh

article Source = www.valuablecontent.com

How to write effective copy for your companys blog

How to Write Effective Copy for Your Companys Blog
by B.K

Weblogs, more commonly known as blogs, are spreading feverishly across the Internet. According to Robyn Aber of Cisco Systems Inc., about four million blogs populate the Web. Though most private individuals maintain blogs, many companies are beginning to launch company blogs to communicate and interact with their clients, customers, and the public.

How can you create a company blog that outshines and outlasts every other blog? And how do you hypnotize readers to keep coming back? This article provides tips to write effective, attention-arresting blog copy and shows how you can develop reader and customer loyalty.


The most engaging blogs speak to their audience in a casual and conversational tone. A big benefit of a blog is its ability to speak to readers in a way that is personal, candid and straightforward. Write your blog the same way you�d speak to your audience, face to face. The personal element is almost always what attracts people and keeps them coming back to your blog.

Amy Joyce of the Washington Post says, �Web logs�or blogs�started as a way to talk about new technologies, vent about life and interact in a no-holds-barred forum. Since blogs became the next big thing, an increasing number of companies have come to see them as the next great public relations vehicle�a way for executives to show their casual, interactive side. But, of course, the executives do nothing of the sort. Their attempts at hip, guerrilla-style blogging are often pained�and painful.�

To avoid this pitfall, simply be yourself. The best blogs reveal the interests, opinions, and personality of the writer. Your perspective, personal and professional, is unique in all the world. Let it shine through, and your blog will automatically be one-of-a-kind. An interesting blog will bring back customers again and again and will generate priceless interest in your company.


Readers want to know things they already don�t know about your company. They want to know what the products, services, people, challenges, and innovations in your organization are really like. If you give them a glimpse of the inner workings, express your opinions boldly, and tell engaging stories, you will foster reader interest and loyalty. In a biography, both interviews and quotations usually are the most intriguing parts. Think of your company blog as a business biography. Personalize it with your unique thoughts and perspective.


Write about what you know. Draw from your expertise to inform the public about the finer points of your business. Detailing development ideas, setbacks, successes, and reactions reveals the human element and engages the reader. It�s fine to talk about new products and innovations, but blogs devoted mostly to marketing and promotion are the most boring and least popular of company blogs. Make these topics more appealing to readers by framing such announcements with personal impressions and insights. Customers want to feel a kinship with the brand. Letting them in on the details of your business will make them feel part of your company culture and increase the chances of their lifetime loyalty.


Once you have established a good reader base, offer new insights regularly to reward surfers for coming back. Not only does this provide more information and exposure, but it also reflects that your company is active and on top of things. Link to current articles from other sources to keep readers abreast of developments in your sector. A rarely-updated blog feels stale and tired. This is not the reputation you want your company to have!


You are personally responsible for whatever material you publish on your company blog. Respect the confidentiality of your organization and employees. Though you may express disagreements or concerns, do not make personal attacks or use the blog to air petty complaints. Do not reveal proprietary information; and avoid discussing revenue, share price, or other financial statistics. Observe copyright law, and quote sources as you would in any other document. Make sure what you write in the company blog reflects the company�s goals. Keep in mind the ultimate goal of most company blogs is to increase visibility and promote the exchange of information. While most companies allow and encourage blogging on company time, you should avoid letting your writing time interfere with your regular workload.


Finally, make sure that what you write is grammatical. Your blog entries reflect your company, and you want to give the best possible impression of the organization and its personnel. The Internet is rife with bad English. Though blogs tend to be relaxed in tone, it is no more appropriate to ignore standard English than it is to wear flip-flops and swimming trunks on casual Friday. Use a program like StyleWriter ( http://www.StyleWriter-USA.com ) or White Smoke ( http://www.WhiteSmokeSoftware.com ) to find and fix embarrassing grammar mistakes and help you write like a pro.

A company blog is an excellent tool for promotion, communication, and information. The tips outlined here will help elevate your blog and generate traffic and interest. Good luck, and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

For more articles on business writing and writing for blogs, visit http://www.ElectronicWritingCourse.com or http://www.ReadabilityFormulas.com and click on �Free Articles.�

BRIAN KONRADT is a freelance writer and founder of FreelanceWriting.com (http://www.freelancewriting.com), a free web site to help writers master the business and creative sides of freelance writing; he also is founder of BookCatcher.com (http://www.bookcatcher.com), a website that offers free book publicity to book writers and book publishers.

Article Source = www.valuablecontent.com

10 simple steps for writing better articles

10 Simple Steps for Writing Better Articles
by Patsi Krakoff

Yesterday while I was writing about a "secret writing tip" that has made my writing easier and faster (Make a List), I ended up with a list of 10 steps I go through each time I write an article.

That's how powerful the "Make a List" technique is for writing. You can actually create additional articles while writing the first one.

So, here's my new list of 10 simple steps for writing better articles:

1. Figure out the keywords you need to use in your next article.
2. Write a draft headline or general subject title (you will revise the title later).
3. Make a list.
4. Write one or two sentences about each point on the list.
5. Write an introduction that tells people why this is important to them.
6. Create a dynamic headline. (Use a headline/copywriter's manual if you need help)
7. Write the conclusion. (Don't forget a call to action.)
8. Include links in your resource box or author's information paragraph
9. Submit to EzineArticles.com and other article directories.
10. Repurpose the article for your ezine, blogs, and other uses (use it as a special report subscribers can download when they sign up for your ezine.)

The Eleventh Step

There really should be an eleventh step here: What other lists did you see while writing the first article? Is there another article you could develop based on the first article? There usually is.

For example, I just created another article while writing this one: how to create dynamic headlines. Step #6 is worthy of expanding into its own article.

See how this works? Just walkin' my talk...

For more leading edge ezine tips go to http://www.coachezines.com. You can also subscribe to Newsletter Nuggets at http://www.newsletternuggets.com. To learn more about using ezines and other tools like blogs, go to http://www.blogsquad.biz. Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. is writer and Internet Marketing expert with over 7 years experience marketing online.

Article source = www.valuablecontent.com

Are you like chess ?

There area advantage if you can play chess. Chess is intelektual game. You can incrase your consentration if you play chess.

If you want to play chess you can visit www.chess.com.

Please give your comment here

Are you blogger ?

Today blog semakin popular, makin banyak orang mempunyai blog. Bahkan adabuku yang beredar tentang manfaat blog bagi para CEO.

You can use blog for diary, bussiness and other.

The 3 most blog you can join

  • www.blogger.com
  • www.wordpress.com
  • www.multiply.com

Which blog do you prefer ? Can you give other blog ?

Learn super agent

Today i learn to use super agent..

Super Agent is network analysis tools. it has been use by big company to analyze that network.

The company product is NetQOS. They are 3 part of NetQOS
  • Report Analyzer
  • Super Agent
  • NetVoyant.

The consumen company that use this tools like oil company (Chevron, Total, etc) and indonesian company that use this tool like telkom, etc.

Start write in english

Test, today i want to try to write in english (gado2 nggak apa2 khan)...

This is my start to become english writer (wish me luck..hehehe)

Siapakah yang melatih militer negara georgia

Hmm.. ini salah satu yang lagi hangat2nya di media massa, yaitu perang antara negara rusia dan negara georgia.

Nah info aza nih, tau ndak sapa yang melatih militer negara georgia. Yup jawabannya adalah negara israel.

Karena negara israel ini mempunyai kepentingan di negara Georgia, yang ujung2 kagak jauh dari negara Amerika serikat yaitu minyak. Karena negara israel mau membangun pipa minyak ke negaranya melewati negara georgia.

Semakin terbukti deh, penyebab kerusuhahaan di dunia adalah negara israel.

Kenapa ya israel nggak dikucilkan oleh semua negara di dunia ? Kapan ya kita bisa melihat PBB memberikan hukuman ke Israel ? dan kapan kita bisa menyaksikan tidak berlakuknya veto amerika di PBB untuk membela israel ?

Nah, gimana pendapat anda, mohon berikan komentar - komentarnya ?

ide KPK untuk baju koruptor

Akhir - akhir ini di media massa lagi ramai tentang berita baju untuk para koruptor.

Jika baju koruptor dipakai pada saat persidangan maka saya tidak setuju. Khan indonesia itu mengenal azas praduga tidak bersalah.

Tetapi gw setuju jika baju koruptor dipakai setelah keputusan sidang dinyatakan bersalah. Jadi disini ada semacam hukuman jera bagi para koruptor. Selain itu gw setuju untuk Hukuman mati untuk para koruptor, tetapi dengan syarat untuk para koruptor dengan nilai koruptornya misalnya 10 milyar.

pertanyaannya adalah hukuman apa yang terbaik untuk koruptor2 di indonesia ? apakah hukuman mati efektif untuk di Indonesia ? siapakah koruptor terbesar di Indonesia ?

Bagaimana pendapat anda, silahkan berikan komentarnya ?

Link-link bussines online

Link - link blog untuk usaha bussiness online :

  • 1 - 10


Monday, August 11, 2008

Penyebab orang susah tidur

Hmm.. gw sering banget nih susah tidur, biasanya karena banyak pikiran. Tetapi bukan mikiran masalah. Gw biasanya terlalu banyak mikir apalagi kadang - kadang ide - ide itu berseliweran pada saat gw mau tidur ( sebenarnya sih asyik sih.. tp paginya yang kurang asyik..hik.hik)

Ada aja sih penyebab orang susah tidur ? Gimana aza solusinya agar cepat tidur ?

Ayo dong kasih komentarnya ?

Tulisan pertama

Hallo nama gw irfan.. Ini gw nulis blog pada pukul jam 03:00 WIB.. Karena kepikiran mau buat blog bahasa indonesia .. jadi gw nggak bisa tidur sekarang.. Gw punya planning ke depan untuk membuat dua blog.

  • Blog tentang tulisan2 gw

    Ini adalah tulisan2 gw tentang pengamatan gw sehari - hari. Sambil belajar untuk menjadi seorang penulis.

  • Blog tentang artikel - artikel gw.

    Nah kalau ini nantinya akan berisi tulisan2 gw yang akan menjadi artikel. Artikel - artikel ini rencananya akan dipublish ke media - media massa ( Doain aza).

Gimana nih ada komentarnya ndak ?

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